Most marriages start off as dreams, and the going is really good. Unfortunately, when the going gets tough, in many cases getting a divorce is the only option for couples. However, the process of obtaining a divorce isn’t easy and causes the parties involved to go through a variety of emotions that occasionally come in the way of making logical decisions.

At The Quattro Firm, L.L.C. we understand how difficult a time this can be for you and want to reassure you that you’re not alone in this challenging situation. To help you get a better understanding of how to go about the divorce and assist you through the separation from beginning to end, we have compiled a Beginner’s Guide to getting a divorce.

Getting Started

Hire a professional: By working with a professional, you will have an ally looking out for your rights. It will help you navigate the complexities of the legal requirements and help you to know your rights and choices in a divorce.

Have a plan: Divorce is turbulent, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a path to follow. Here are three things you must do to make a process a little easier.

1. You have to be motivated to adhere to the deadlines that have been set.

2. You need to have all of your records of all assets, liabilities and anything else that relates to your financial status.

3. Be patient. Some divorces are quick and straightforward, and some are lengthy and time-consuming. The courts can be full, and it can take time to get hearings scheduled.

Next Steps

Get your facts right: You will need to get a full financial picture including all records of property, retirement benefits, and any other assets and liabilities. You will also need to set up a support system so that you have assistance moving forward.

Trust the people you’ve hired: It’s essential always to remember that as professionals, we are looking out for your best interests. Trust us and allow us to trust you. If you lie to us, we cannot accurately represent you. Above all, be patient and honest, we will get through all of this together.

Advice From The Pros

Do not lie or not disclose information: Lying to your lawyer or intentionally withholding information because you are embarrassed or ashamed is a big mistake. You wouldn’t like your lawyer to be confronted in court or in a deposition regarding facts that have been intentionally withheld or otherwise mislead. It can cause problems for your case if your lawyer doesn’t know everything pertinent.